Create a Repository with Github Desktop


In order to make sure you continue to keep track of your files you will need to learn to use GitHub.

Create a Repository

  1. Log into your Github account

  2. Open Gitdesktop

  3. Under File select Options and Accounts. Make sure Gitdesktop is set up with your github account. If not, sign in under your account.

  4. File Create New Repository

    1. Name: Enter A name for the repository.

    2. Description: A description is optional

    3. Local path: You can select a local path or leave the default. This is where the respository will be stored on your local computer.

    4. README: Make sure to select this check box.

    5. You can ignore the remaining items and just click Create repository.

  5. Select Publish repository when back on the main screen.

  6. You can add a description and you should uncheck the Keep this code private box.

  7. Go to your Github account and make sure the new repository you created showed up in your respository list.