Piezo Speaker


In this lesson you will use what you learned about frequency to make music with a piezo speaker. Piezo speakers are found in lots of common devices such as microwave ovens and cell phones and can be used to tell you if you have a phone call, let you know your pizza is hot or to confirm you pressed a button.

Piezo speakers are normally formed around two metal plates as shown in the picture on the left. The picture on the right shows a piezo speaker in a secure plastic housing.

The sound from a piezo speaker results from applying a voltage to the piezoelectric material which in turn causes a vibration. This high frequency vibration results in a sound or note. The following shows a  piezo speaker at rest (low pulse) and under voltage (high pulse).

Driving a piezo speaker only requires a single pin that can produce a pulse. While it is possible to drive a piezo speaker directly, they tend to be very loud so it is useful to add a potentiometer to the circuit as a volume control, as shown in the circuit below.

IMPORTANT: In the schematic below the potentiometer is not being used as a voltage divider to provide input to an analog pin on your microcontroller, as in previous circuits. make sure to set up your circuit exactly as shown below.


  1. Construct the following circuit and connect the pulse lead (TO MCU) to any digital pin on your microcontroller pins. After you complete the circuit, write a program to drive your speaker with a frequency of 100 Hz. In order to determine the delays for your code, you will need to convert the frequency to a period. If you need help with this, you can refer to a previous lesson.



  2. Modify your code to produce a frequency of 1000Hz. Note you will need to use a delayMicroseconds() in order to reach this frequency. Confirm the frequency with your multimeter.


  3. What are the highest and lowest frequencies you can hear? These may be the highest or lowest you can play. Record your answers in your notebook.

Highest Frequency

Lowest Frequency